Saturday, February 26, 2011

Florida trip

Each time I think I have found home Florida calls me back. This time instead of being along, Will, my life partner will be traveling with me as we make the move to Clearwater and settle into out new mobile home. Will is so excited to make the trip since he has never been there. My family is anxiously awaiting out arrival. Will is suppose to start a new job shortly after we arrive. We just have to wait on the title to the mobile home we sold here and get the Uhaul to tow the car down with.

Trip Cost Calculator - Maximize Your Fuel Savings -

Trip Cost Calculator - Maximize Your Fuel Savings -

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

The journey within: Within without

The journey within: Within without: "For many years I have searched for love. Each time I think I am getting closer to the perfect love I once felt fate seems to snatch it away..."